ISO 14001:2015 Lead Auditor Training

Environmental Management System

EXEMPLAR GLOBAL Approved Lead Auditor Training Program

Course Overview

  • The background and general introduction to environmental issues, the Challenge of sustainable development and strategic business drivers.
  • The background to development of the environmental management standards and the current status of the ISO 14001:2015 series
  • Key elements of EMS standard and its relationship to the Quality Management Systems standards
  • Sector guidance as relevant to the target market
  • Relevant International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and European cooperation for Accreditation (EA) interpretations and guidelines with which certification bodies are required to comply
  • Types of environmental audits and assessments including technical, functional and management systems and relevant audit methodologies
  • The two stages of the registration process and their unique features
  • Environmental legislation relevant to pollution control via emissions to air, discharge to water and disposal to land, including control over hazardous substances and Eco labelling. These include international environmental law, regional legislation and local legislation
  • Determination of environmental aspects and methodologies for establishing significant impacts, management control over operations and monitoring of performance. Rationale for setting priorities, objectives and targets for amelioration and management programs for ensuring that actions are taken to achieve continual improvements and prevention of pollution